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Installing the original propeller

The old propeller from an old Chalup from the 30ies. Small and not very effective.
The former owner thought that this old propeller from an old wooden boat, from the 30ies, would be more efficient than the orginal propeller produced by Fiskars for the Finnsailer 35 - he, of course, was wrong. The old 5-blade propeller is much smaller with different characteristics than the original 3-blade propeller, resulting in a lower top-speed, different harbour manouvering abilities etc.

My son inspecting the old propeller

How to get it off?

Here we go - it has been sitting here for many years...

Big wrench needed... and heat from a gas weed burner. We heated the propeller up, very much, put a block of wood on the propeller and hit it with a sledgehammer - off it came ;-)

Happy to have it off ;-)

The original propeller was a part of the deal, when we purchased the boat.

Mounted and ready for paint.

Will be painted blue with anti-fouling.

The rudder connectiones had to be dismounted to turn the rudder to an angle that allowed the propeller to come off the shaft. There is not enough space between the shaft and the rudder, if you do not do so.

Almost there...

Hull painted, new zincanodes mounted and the propeller painted blue with anti-fouling.
Why do I paint the propeller instead of polishing it to a shine? Because it´s not a fish-mirror, and because we do not intend to go more than 7,5 kts max. when cruising around. This is a displacement-bot, not a speedmonster ;-)
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